Stay Informed

Board Meeting

April 26, 2025 at 4:00 pm
Location: Heber Light & Power, 31 S 100 W, Heber

News & Stories

Residential site electricity consumption by end use, 2015 graph. Air conditioning and space heating constitute over 30% of electric consumption.

Home Energy Usage

This infographic, presented by the Energy Information Agency (EIA), shows the typical energy usage for a home. Most home energy use has to do with heating or cooling your home.

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Heber Light & Power By the Numbers

Years in Operation
New Customers Last Year
Employees to Serve You
Hours of Renewable Energy Produced Last Year

Commercial Electric Service Application Form

* Indicates a Required Field *
If you are moving out of the Heber Light & Power Service area you must contact the
business office at 435-654-1581. 

Safari not supported for form submissions. Please use Chrome, Firefox or Edge browsers.

Thank You

If yes, please provide your previous address.

Customer Information:

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:

Residence Information:

Mailing Address - (If different than Service Address):

Responsible Party

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:
If Renting the following information is required:

Agreement Information:


Residential Electric Service Application Form

* Indicates a Required Field *
If you are moving out of the Heber Light & Power Service area you must contact the
business office at 435-654-1581. 

Safari is not supported for form submissions. Please use Chrome, Firefox or Edge browsers.

Thank You 

If yes, please provide your previous address.

Customer Information:

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:
Employer Information:

Residence Information:

Mailing Address - (If different than Service Address):

Applicant's Spouse/Roommate Information:

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:

Agreement Information:
