Rates & Fees
Residential Rate – Includes Residential Pumping.
Monthly Base Customer Charge (Service size 400 amps or less) – 18.40
Monthly Base Customer Charge (service size over 400 amps) – 35.40
Energy Charge Block 1 (0-1000 kWh) – 0.11823/kWh
Energy Charge Block 1 (> 1000 kWh) – 0.14134/kWh
Demand Charge Below 400 AMPS – 0.25
Demand Charge 400 AMP and Greater – 0.75
Residential Time-Of-Use (TOU) Rate – Contact Customer Service to Opt-in
Mandatory rate for Net Metering Customers. Opt-In rate for other Residential customers.
Monthly Base Customer Charge (service size 400 amps or less) – 18.40
Monthly Base Customer Charge (service size over 400 amps) – 35.40
Energy Charge:
Winter (October thru May):
On-Peak (M-F / 3PM – 10PM) – 0.18984
Off-Peak (All other hours including Weekends & Holidays) – 0.08629
Summer (June thru September):
On-Peak (M-F / 3PM – 10PM) – 0.24207
Off-Peak (All other hours including Weekends & Holidays) – 0.10525
Demand Charge Below 400 AMPS – 0.25
Demand Charge 400 AMP and Greater – 0.75
Residential Net Metering Buy Back: All Energy – 0.09
Small General Service
<= 30 kW Demand
Monthly Base Customer Charge – Single Phase – 26.00
Monthly Base Customer Charge – Three Phase – 35.00
Demand Charge (All kW) – 12.10
Energy Charge Block 1 (0-500 kWh) – 0.08549
Energy Charge Block 2 (> 500 kWh) – 0.06839
Small General Service Pumping Rate
<= 30 kW Demand
Monthly Base Customer Charge – 41.00
Energy Charge:
Winter (October thru May):
On-Peak (M-F / 3PM – 10PM) – 0.11397
Off-Peak (All other hours including Weekends & Holidays) – 0.05698
Summer (June thru September):
On-Peak (M-F / 3PM – 10PM) – 0.13901
Off-Peak (All other hours including Weekends & Holidays) – 0.06950
Demand Charge (All Demand) – 9.85
Small General Service Net Metering Buy Back – 0.09
Medium General Service
> 30 kW & <= 250 kW Demand
Monthly Base Customer Charge – 150.00
Demand Charge (All Demand) – 14.45 / kW
Energy Charge (All kWh) – 0.06841
Medium General Service Pumping Rate
> 30 & <= 250 kW Demand
Monthly Base Customer Charge – 150.00
Energy Charge:
Winter (October thru May):
On-Peak (M-F / 3PM – 10PM) – 0.11397
Off-Peak (All other hours including Weekends & Holidays) – 0.05698
Summer (June thru September):
On-Peak (M-F / 3PM – 10PM) – 0.13901
Off-Peak (All other hours including Weekends & Holidays) – 0.06950
Demand Charge (All Demand) – 9.85
Large General Service Rate
> 250 kW Demand
Monthly Base Customer Charge – 357.00
Energy Charge (All Energy) – 0.06541
Demand Charge (All Demand) – 15.35
Optional Rate for 100% Renewable Energy
Monthly Base Charge- Charged according to Rate Class
Energy Charge (All kWh) – .90/100 kWh Block
Fee Description | Amount | Comments |
Billing/Office Fees | ||
• Late Payment Charge (Compounded) | 1.50% | Applied on any past due amounts |
• Returned Payment Charge | $15.00 | Included in current schedule |
• Reconnect Fee | $20.00 | Included in current schedule |
• Service Application Fee | $20.00 | Included in current schedule |
• Seasonal Disconnect Fee | $50.00 | Included in current schedule |
Construction Fees | ||
• Impact Fee | Amperage Calc. | Included in current schedule |
• Line Extension/New Development – Installation/Additional Design | Bid Estimate | Estimate for Labor, Materials, and Overhead provided upon request |
• Initiation/Will Serve Fee | $200.00 | Check only |
• Design Fee | $300.00 | This is a per development phase fee |
• Design Fee (resubmit) | $20.00 | Per residential/commercial unit |
• Truck Roll Fee | $50.00 | Set fee for extra vehicle trips, i.e. reinspection, meter verification, troubleshooting customer side, etc. |
• Temporary Meter Connection | $500.00 | Fee for new services that desire a temporary meter set |
Meter Related Fees | ||
• Wire Pull (up to 400 amps) | $300.00 plus meter | Customer responsible for wire on services larger than 400 amps |
• Meter Installation Fee – Single Phase | $235.00 | All new meter issuances regardless of reason, does not include replacement meters. |
• Meter Installation Fee – Three Phase | $470.00 | All new meter issuances regardless of reason, does not include replacement meters. |
• Meter Fee | Meter Cost Plus | Cost of Meter rounded up to nearest $10.00 |
• Meter – Nonstandard Meter – Monthly Meter Reading Charge | $20.00 | Typically those meters that must be manually read |
• Net Metering – Application Fee | $300.00 | Included in current schedule. |
Device Fees | ||
• Generation Transfer Switch – Preliminary Inspection Fee | $100.00 | Verification trip for sizing and device appropriateness |
• Generation Transfer Switch – Installation Fee | $100.00 | Installation and meter re-installation |
• Outside Lighting (Yard Lights) | $9.30/Month | Set fee regardless of consumption levels |
• Outside Lighting Maintenance | $25.00 plus parts |
Residential Time of Use Rates
Time-of-use (TOU) electric rates are a pricing structure for electricity where the cost varies depending on the time of day and season. Instead of a fixed rate for all hours, TOU rates encourage customers to use electricity during off-peak periods where demand for electricity is lower, and wholesale power prices are typically cheaper, while discouraging usage during peak periods when utility demand is higher and wholesale energy prices are peaking for the day. This aligns customer savings with utility savings.
Summer TOU Rates
June - September
On Peak
3:00 pm – 10:00 pm
$.24207 / kWh
Off Peak
All other hours including Weekends & Holidays
$0.10525/ kWh
Winter TOU Rates
October - May
On Peak
3:00 pm – 10:00 pm
$.18984 / kWh
Off Peak
All other hours including Weekends & Holidays
$0.08629/ kWh
Shift your usage to Off-Peak hours to save on your bill over the course of a year.
Frequently Asked Questions
HL&P’s rate consultant used historical wholesale power pricing and market power futures along with the company’s historical energy demands to determine the true cost of power over the course of a day and seasonally. Market power supply and transmission costs are driven by supply and demand. Utility power supply costs are higher in the late afternoon and evening when people return home. HL&P’s wholesale power portfolio includes up to 15% market power when demand exceeds planned resources.
The TOU rate is not mandatory for all customers with the exception of net metering customers and general service pumping customers. In 2025, residential customers can opt to be billed with the TOU rate by calling (435)654-1581. In 2026, all residential customers will be moved to a TOU rate.
You can view your energy usage in your Smarthub account or call a customer service representative to help you determine if the TOU rate is a good fit. Generally, customers with electric heat or electric vehicles and no air conditioning usage would be able to benefit from the current TOU rate.
Customers opting in to the TOU rate will be required to stay on the rate for a year. This ensure the full benefit of the TOU rate is realized, customers will be required to remain on the rate for 12 months.
TOU rates benefit utility companies and customers alike because they encourage more energy conservation while reducing overall operating costs.
Rate Studies and Adjustments
HL&P contracts with outside parties every two years to study existing rate structures, revenue requirements, and cost of service. These studies are used for financial projections to determine what rate adjustments, if any, should be recommended. All studies are presented to the public and the board of directors for evaluation and input. When projections warrant rate adjustments, management will make a recommendation to the board of directors to adjust rates schedules in order to maintain the good financial health of the company. These recommendations are presented to our customers in public hearings for public comment prior to the board of directors voting on the rate adjustment.
Impact Fees
An impact fee is a one-time charge imposed to mitigate the impact on infrastructure caused by new development. Growth in the form of new homes and businesses require expansion or enlargement of facilities to maintain the same level of service for all customers. Impact fees help fund expansion of facilities necessary to accommodate new growth.
Electric Service Rules
Electric Service Rules establish uniform rules for the safe and efficient delivery of electric service to our customers in a manner consistent with utility practices. The electric service rules are subject to change or modification from time to time by the board of directors.
Power Cost Adjustment
A power cost adjustment (PCA) is a mechanism used in some electricity markets and by utilities to account for fluctuations in the cost of generating and purchasing electricity. It is designed to allow utilities to adjust their rates to reflect changes in the wholesale cost of power.
Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of the power cost adjustment (PCA) is to ensure that the utility can recover its costs in a timely manner and maintain financial stability, especially when there are significant variations in the cost of fuel and market power caused by a lack of electricity supply.
The utility tracks its actual costs of purchasing and generating electricity, including the cost of fuel, transmission charges, wholesale market prices, and other relevant factors. The costs vary over time due to changes in wholesale power prices. The baseline rate is set through our cost of service studies.
The adjustment calculation takes into account the difference from the actual cost of power and the baseline cost of power in the rate. It uses the rolling six month average difference and adjusts the baseline rate to recover the actual cost of power.
Depending on which billing cycle you are in, you could see the PCA applied to your bill beginning in July 2023.
A Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) protects the company from market volatility and ensures we can continue to provide safe and reliable power for our customers.