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HL&P owns and operates hydropower and natural gas generation. Owning our own generation gives us greater control over our energy supply, ensuring more reliable and stable electricity for our customers. Additional benefits include cost control, grid support, energy independence, environmental control, and the ability to expand our capacity to meet our needs.
The Upper Snake Creek Hydropower Plant is powered by a hydroelectric turbine generator providing valuable renewable energy to HL&P customers. Power generation at the Upper Plant commenced in 1949 and continues to operate much the same as it did almost seventy-five years ago. The output of the plant ranges from 750 kilowatts in the summer to 250 kilowatts in the winter.
The Lower Snake Creek Hydropower Plant is located downstream for the Upper Snake Creek Plant and was acquired by HL&P in 2010 from Rocky Mountain Power. Located two-miles below the Upper Plant, it utilizes the same water flows and generates up to 1500 kilowatts of energy.
The Lake Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant was built by HL&P employees in 1981 to fulfill the growing energy requirements of the Heber Valley. The plant has a peak generating capacity of 2000 kilowatts and continues to efficiently provide clean renewable energy to HL&P’s customers.
HL&P has owned gas generation assets since 1984. By incrementally adding to the fleet, HL&P has grown its natural gas generation over the years to meet the company’s growing energy demand. Today, the plants have over 15 megawatts of available natural gas generation and the company plans to continue to grow this resource to firm up intermittent renewable resources and to meet peak loads.
HL&P’s Energy Portfolio
Hover over a resource to learn more about HL&P’s energy resources.
HL&P owns and operates three natural gas power plants producing up to 15 megawatts of electricity. Natural Gas generation is used to firm up intermittent renewable resources and to meet high loads during peak hours. HL&P's natural gas generation operates beneath the limits of a strict minor pollutant source permit regulated by the Department of Air Quality.
In 2022, HL&P's energy portfolio included over thirty percent renewable resources. The company's portfolio includes wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower.
In the context of HL&P, we use the term "back-office market purchases" to describe the advance procurement of wholesale electricity by our Energy Resource Department. These purchases are made months and years in advance to meet load when the project-based resources in the portfolio are forecasted to fall short.
These purchases play a vital role in our operations, ensuring we can meet customer demand and maintain a dependable energy supply.
Federal hydropower refers to the energy HL&P receives from the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP).
CRSP is a system of dams, reservoirs, and power plants managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in the western United States. It serves a crucial role in water resource management, providing water for irrigation, municipal use, and hydroelectric power generation. Federal hydropower, produced by the CRSP's power plants, is highly valuable for its customers because it offers a reliable and sustainable source of clean energy. This power not only helps meet the electricity needs of communities and industries but also contributes to grid stability, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting environmental sustainability in the region.
Local hydropower provides HL&P customers with up to 8 megawatts of energy. The Upper Snake Creek, Lower Snake Creek, and Lake Creek Hydropower Plants are owned and operated by HL&P and can generate up to four megawatts between the three plants.
The Jordanelle Hydroelectric Power Plant (JDPP) is a 13-megawatt project made possible by a public and private partnership between the Department of Interior, the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and HL&P. We receive one third of the energy generated by the Jordanelle.
In 2018, HL&P added geothermal and solar energy to the portfolio. Located in Hazen, Nevada, the Patua Power Plant includes a base-load geothermal facility that can generate up to 25 megawatts and a 10-megawatt solar installation. The geothermal power plant is comprised of a binary facility with three Turbine Air Systems Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) air-cooled units using Atlas Copco Turbines. HL&P is entitled to between zero and twelve megawatts of energy an hour, depending on plant generation. HL&P takes up to 11 MW of energy from this project.
The Hunter II coal-fired steam electric generating unit located at the Hunter Station in Emery County is jointly owned by PacifiCorp, Deseret Generation & Transmission, and Utah Area Power Administration (UAMPS). HL&P is entitled to six percent of UAMPS's total share of energy.
Intermountain Power Agency (IPA) is a political subdivision of the state of Utah organized in 1977 by 23 municipalities. IPA's Intermountain Power Project (IPP) includes a two-unit, coal-fired, steam-electric generating station with a net capacity of 1,800 megawatts. The generating station is in Delta, Utah. HL&P has an entitlement share of up to 11 megawatts.
Transactions made in real-time by energy system operators are considered "front office market purchases."
HL&P employs energy system operators to manage the distribution of electricity from our 24/7 Dispatch Desk. Their role involves constantly monitoring electricity usage and predicting future demand. If demand increases, they ensure that more electricity is supplied to meet it, and if demand decreases, they reduce the supply to prevent wastage.
They also oversee the balance between various electricity sources, such as power plants, wind turbines, and solar panels. Their responsibility is to maintain this balance effectively.
In case of unexpected situations, like a sudden increase in demand or a power plant malfunction, energy system operators have contingency plans and tools to maintain a stable supply of electricity. Their primary objective is to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted source of electricity for homes and businesses.
HL&P receives energy from two wind resources.
Through UAMPS, HL&P has a power purchase agreement for energy from the Pleasant Valley Wind Farm located in Uintah County, Wyoming. This wind farm is the largest in Wyoming with 80 Vesta V80, 1.8-megawatt wind turbines capable of generating 144 megawatts. HL&P receives up to 700 kilowatts from this project.
The Horse Butte Wind Farm is a 57.6-megawatt project located in Bonneville County, Idaho. The entire output from the farm is purchased by UAMPS with HL&P receiving up to one megawatt. The facility began commercial operation on August 15, 2012, providing HL&P with a long-term supply of renewable electric energy and all the associated environmental attributes.
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