Net Metering

What is Net Metering?

Net Metering measures the net difference between the energy that a customer consumes from the grid and the excess energy that a customer sends back onto the grid when their renewable energy generation exceeds the amount of energy that their home or business is using. Net Metering enables customers to produce and use their own renewable energy, and also rely on the utility to provide energy when their own systems are not generating.

Heber Light & Power’s Net Metering Policy allows for any excess electricity that is generated by the customer to be banked as a credit towards their future energy usage until the end of March. During the first week of April, the Company will pay for any unused kilowatt hours at the customer’s retail rate.  (Residential customers will be automatically enrolled in Time-of Use pricing.  See Customer Rule 18 – Time of Use Rates.)

Residential and Small General Service customers who wish to generate renewable energy at their home or business may apply for the Net Metering Program. The renewable generation resource must be sized to be the lesser of 90% of the customer’s two year average usage or 25 kilowatts for Residential Customers and Small General Service Customers.

Potential Net Metering customers must complete Net Metering Orientation with a HL&P employee as part of the application process. Solar Contractors must complete a training in order to be eligible to install net metering eligible PV Systems. Interested customers are encouraged to review the Company’s Net Metering Policy and Application.2

Net Metering Quick Facts

After you become a net metering customer, you will still receive a monthly bill that includes a Customer charge. This charge does not change when you become a net metering customer.

Credits for kilowatt hours will not reduce the Monthly Base Customer Charge. This charge reflects the Company's fixed costs for infrastructure, system O&M, and administrative charges.

The monthly bill will show any energy you are being billed for and the kilowatt hours that you have in your bank. Please use your own monitoring system to track the production of your generation facility.

Medium and Large General Service customers are eligible for the Feed-in Tariff Program.

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Commercial Electric Service Application Form

* Indicates a Required Field *
If you are moving out of the Heber Light & Power Service area you must contact the
business office at 435-654-1581. 

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Customer Information:

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:

Residence Information:

Mailing Address - (If different than Service Address):

Responsible Party

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:
If Renting the following information is required:

Agreement Information:


Residential Electric Service Application Form

* Indicates a Required Field *
If you are moving out of the Heber Light & Power Service area you must contact the
business office at 435-654-1581. 

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Thank You 

If yes, please provide your previous address.

Customer Information:

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:
Employer Information:

Residence Information:

Mailing Address - (If different than Service Address):

Applicant's Spouse/Roommate Information:

Please supply a minimum of two (2) vaid forms of identification:

Agreement Information:
